View all posts filed under January, 2010
U.S. Venezuelan Relations: Imperialism and Revolution
01.05.2010 :: Latin AmericaHistorically Latin America has been of great importance to the United States on numerous counts: the region has in the past, provided the US with a trade surplus; its outflows of licit and ill-begotten funds to US banks, numbers annually in the tens of billions; the US has been, up to recently, the major trading partner in the region; Latin America has provided a lucrative outlet for US buyouts of oil, telecoms, banking and related strategic mining companies during the golden age of imperial pillage (1975 1999).
The US and China: One Side is Losing, the Other is Winning
01.03.2010 :: AnalysisAsian capitalism, notably China and South Korea are competing with the US for global power. Asian global power is driven by dynamic economic growth, while the US pursues a strategy of military-driven empire building.