View all posts filed under May, 2018
Imperial Recovery and Disappearing Workers
05.25.2018 :: United StatesNero played his fiddle, Obama shot baskets and Trump twittered while their empires burned. What makes empire decay and what makes empires expand has everything to do with their relations between rulers and the ruled. Several factors are decisive. These include: (1) rent, land and housing, (2) the direction of living standards, (3) the rise or fall of mortality rate, (4) decline or rise of families.
Reasons Trump Breaks Nuclear-Sanction Agreement with Iran Declares Trade War with China and Meets with North Korea
05.13.2018 :: AnalysisFor some time, critics of President Trump’s policies have attributed them to a mental disorder; uncontrolled manic-depression, narcissus bullying and other pathologies. The question of Trump’s mental health raises a deeper question: why does his pathologies take a specific political direction?
De-Briefing Academics: Unpaid Intelligence Informants
05.03.2018 :: AnalysisOver the past half-century, I have been engaged in research, lectured and worked with social movements and leftist governments in Latin America. I interviewed US officials and think tanks in Washington and New York. I have written scores of books, hundreds of professional articles and presented numerous papers at professional meetings.