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James Petras receives International Journalism Prize

Clarity Press :: 14.12.10

On December 8 2010 The Club of Mexican Journalists awarded James Petras its prestigious INTERNATIONAL JOURNALISM PRIZE for outstanding Research and Analysis of World News.

He was cited for the depth and breadth of his publications as well as his fearlessness in challenging established powers.

“Dr. James Petras is one of the greatest personalities of critical intellect of our time. His numerous books, which have been translated into many languages, and his opinion articles which are invariably defined by their rigor and decisive data, widely documented and placed within their social context, have turned this thinker into one of the most lucid and coherent minds of recent times. Naturally, this has earned Dr. Petras the resentment of those who feel affected by his tireless efforts. Nevertheless, countless readers all over the world seek the words of this thinker to defend themselves from propaganda that intends to make us sympathize with the single-minded thinking of neoliberalism.”

The Club of Mexican Journalists

Text in Spanish

A James Petras, Premio Internacional de Periodismo por Investigación y Análisis del Hecho Noticioso en el ámbito mundial. No es necesario mencionar que el Dr. Petras es una de las grandes personalidades de la intelectualidad crítica de nuestro tiempo. Sus numerosos libros traducidos a numerosas lenguas, sus artículos de opinión que invariablemente se definen por su rigor, por la aportación de datos contundentes, ampliamente documentados e insertos en su contexto social, han convertido a este pensador en una de las conciencias más lúcidas y congruentes de la época actual. Naturalmente, esto le ha valido el resentimiento de quienes se sienten afectados por la incansable labor del Dr. Petras. Si embargo a lo largo y el ancho del orbe son incontables los lectores que buscan la palabra de este pensador para defenderse de la propaganda que trata de hacernos comulgar con el pensamiento único de los neoliberales. :: Printing version