Author:“James Petras ”
Why the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) Won the Election
10.25.2017 :: Latin AmericaEvery major newspaper, television channel and US government official has spent the past two years claiming that the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), founded by the late Hugo Chavez, had become a marginalized political party, supported only by ‘hard core Chavistas’ and public employees.

Independence and Self-Determination: Weapons for Empire Building or National Liberation?
10.19.2017 :: AnalysisSince World War II most of the world’s conflicts have revolved around struggles for independence against Western and Japanese colonial/imperial regimes. Following formal independence, a new type of imperial domination was imposed – neo-colonial regimes, in which the US and its European allies imposed vassal rulers acting as proxies for economic exploitation.

The Middle East Pivot: Erdogan’s Turkey Seven Deadly Sins
10.13.2017 :: Middle EastMultiple wars ravage the Middle East. Turkey has inserted itself into the middle of most of these regional conflicts and ended up a loser. Under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkey has intervened and formed alliances with a rogue’s gallery of imperial warlords, terrorists-mercenaries, Zionist expansionists, feudal potentates and obscure tribal chiefs, with disastrous economic, political and military consequences for the Turkish nation.

How Billionaires become Billionaires
10.04.2017 :: United StatesAmerica has the greatest inequalities, highest mortality rate, most regressive taxes, and largest public subsidies for bankers and billionaires of any developed capitalist country. In this essay we will discuss the socio-economic roots of inequalities and the relation between the concentration of wealth and the downward mobility of the working and salaried classes.

The Politics of Military Ascendancy
09.15.2017 :: United StatesClearly the US has escalated the pivotal role of the military in the making of foreign and, by extension, domestic policy. The rise of ‘the Generals’ to strategic positions in the Trump regime is evident, deepening its role as a highly autonomous force determining US strategic policy agendas.

The Fall Offensive: the US, France and Brazil
09.12.2017 :: AnalysisThe fall of 2017 will witness the most brutal assault on working and middle class living standards since the end of World War II. Three presidents and their congressional allies will ‘revise’ labor legislation, progressive income tax laws and regulations and effectively end the mixed economy in France, the US and Brazil.

Who Rules America? The Power Elite in the Time of Trump
09.05.2017 :: United StatesIntroduction: In the last few months, several competing political, economic and military sectors - linked to distinct ideological and ethnic groups - have clearly emerged at the centers of power. We can identify some of the key competing and interlocking directorates of the power elite:

Democratic Demagogues and ‘The Better Deal’
08.09.2017 :: United StatesAfter 6 months of blaming Russia for the Democratic Party’s Presidential election debacle, the Party stalwarts have finally realized that the American electorate is not listening. Democratic Party investigators in Washington still hold hearings and the mass media are still scandal mongering, but the public is not rallying to their cause.

Washington and Brussels: Running in Reverse
08.01.2017 :: AnalysisWashington and Brussels’ response to foreign affairs challenges, as they face their own political and economic disasters and decline, has been to impose economic sanctions, boycotts and issue increasingly reckless military threats against rival nations.

Imperial Power Centers: Divisions, Indecisions and Civil War
07.24.2017 :: AnalysisOne of the most important outcomes of the Trump Presidency are the revelations describing the complex competing forces and relations engaged in retaining and expanding US global power (‘the empire’). The commonplace reference to ‘the empire’ fails to specify the interface and conflict among institutions engaged in projecting different aspects of US political power.

Progressive Democrats: Resist and Submit, Retreat and Surrender
07.10.2017 :: United StatesOver the past quarter century progressive writers, activists and academics have followed a trajectory from left to right – with each presidential campaign seeming to move them further to the right. Beginning in the 1990’s progressives mobilized millions in opposition to wars, voicing demands for the transformation of the US’s corporate for-profit medical system into a national ‘Medicare For All’ public program.

Anti-Populism: Ideology of the Ruling Class
07.07.2017 :: AnalysisThroughout the US and European corporate and state media, right and left, we are told that ‘populism’ has become the overarching threat to democracy, freedom and . . . free markets. The media’s ‘anti-populism’ campaign has been used and abused by ruling elites and their academic and intellectual camp followers as the principal weapon to distract, discredit and destroy the rising tide of mass discontent with ruling class-imposed austerity programs, the accelerating concentration of wealth and the deepening inequalities.

Elections: Absenteeism, Boycotts and the Class Struggle
06.19.2017 :: AnalysisThe most striking characteristics of recent elections is not who won or who lost, nor is it the personalities, parties and programs; rather the dominant fact is the widespread repudiation of the electoral system, electoral campaigns, parties and candidates.

Latin America in Search of an Alternative
06.16.2017 :: Latin AmericaMany experts and commentators describe the political process in Latin America as one of ‘alternating right and left governments’. Journalists focus on the abrupt regime changes from democratic to authoritarian; from neo-liberal to progressive programs; and from oligarchs to populists.

The United States and Iran: Two Tracks to Establish Hegemony
06.10.2017 :: Middle EastPresented to the Conference: “United States, Human Rights and the Discourse of Domination”. Sponsored by Iranian World Studies Association. Tehran, July 2, 2017
US policy in the Middle East and South Asia is shaped by several basic considerations:

New book: “The Class Struggle in Latin America. Making History Today”
James Petras, Henry Veltmeyer :: 06.02.2017 :: AnalysisThe Class Struggle in Latin America: Making History Today analyses the political and economic dynamics of development in Latin America through the lens of class struggle. Focusing in particular on Peru, Paraguay, Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela, the book identifies how the shifts and changing dynamics of the class struggle have impacted on the rise, demise and resurgence of neo-liberal regimes in Latin America.

Oligarchs Succeed! Only the People Suffer!
05.31.2017 :: United StatesIntroduction: On a scale not seen since the ‘great’ world depression of the 1930’s, the US political system is experiencing sharp political attacks, divisions and power grabs. Executive firings, congressional investigations, demands for impeachment, witch hunts, threats of imprisonment for ‘contempt of Congress’ and naked power struggles have shredded the façade of political unity and consensus among competing powerful US oligarchs.

President Emmanuel Macron: Reversing Five Decades of Working-Class Power
05.21.2017 :: AnalysisIntroduction: Whatever has been written about President Emmanuel Macron by the yellow or the respectable press has been mere trivia or total falsehood. Media lies have a purpose that goes beyond Macron’s election. Throughout Europe and North America, bankers and manufacturers, NATO, militarists and EU oligarchs, media moguls and verbal assassins, academics and journalists, all characterized the election victory of Macron as a ‘defeat of fascism’ and the ‘triumph of the French people’.

US and Turkey: The Balkanization of the Middle East
05.15.2017 :: Middle EastFor the past 20 years Washington has aggressively pursued the age-old imperial strategy of ‘divide and conquer’ throughout the Middle East, Southwest Asia and East Africa

From Richard Nixon to Donald Trump: America’s Great Leap Backwards
05.09.2017 :: United StatesIntroduction: For almost 50 years, the US economy and society has taken a great leap backward - accelerating during the past three Presidencies. Not only have we experienced the reversal of past socio-economic legislation, but also our presidents and Congress have dragged us into multiple aggressive wars. Now, the threat of a nuclear attack against our ‘declared enemies’ is ‘on the table’.

Twenty Truths about Marine Le Pen
05.01.2017 :: AnalysisIntroduction: Every day in unimaginable ways, prominent leaders from the left and the right, from bankers to Parisian intellectuals, are fabricating stories and pushing slogans that denigrate presidential candidate Marine Le Pen.

Deceit, Betrayal and the Left: The ‘Traitor of the Year Award’
04.30.2017 :: AnalysisIntroduction: While the Right faithfully supports the policies and interests of its ruling class supporters, the Left has systematically betrayed their political platform promises and deceived its working class, salaried employees, small business and regional supporters.