Author:“James Petras ”
[Book] Politics and Social Forces in Chilean Development
09.03.2024 :: Latin AmericaChile, which suffering from many of the same social and economic problems that afflict other Latin American countries, has enjoyed remarkable political stability. With the exception of one brief interlude, Chile has been governed by elected rules for half a century.
This title was originally published in 1969. 1st Edition in UCPRESS: Sep. 2020
This title was originally published in 1969. 1st Edition in UCPRESS: Sep. 2020

U.S. Offensive in Latin America. Coups, Retreats, and Radicalization
09.03.2024 :: Latin AmericaThe worldwide U.S. military-political offensive is manifest in multiple contexts in Latin America. The U.S. offensive aims to prop up decaying client regimes, destabilize independent regimes, pressure the center-left to move to the right, and destroy or isolate the burgeoning popular movements challenging the U.S. empire and its clients.

United States and Venezuela: A Historical Background
05.13.2019 :: Latin AmericaIntroduction: US hostility and efforts to overthrow the Venezuelan government forms parts of a long and inglorious history of US intervention in Latin America going back to the second decade of the 19th century.

US Global Power: The Trump Period: An Assessment
05.01.2019 :: United StatesIntroduction: US global power in the Trump period reflects the continuities and changes which are unfolding rapidly and deeply throughout the world and which are affecting the position of Washington.

Shadow Boxing for Empire: The Mueller Report
04.21.2019 :: United StatesBy the end of the Obama regime, the US had gone through seven wars and was in the process of losing five of them. Washington was facing global challenges to its dominant economic and political role from Russia and China.

Julian Assange and the Agenda for Global War
04.15.2019 :: AnalysisIntroduction: For almost a decade Washington has sought to silence, jail and eliminate the world’s most prominent investigative journalist, Julian Assange (JA) and his team of co-workers at Wilkileaks (WL).

New book: “Latin America in the Vortex of Social Change”
James Petras & Henry Veltmeyer :: 04.15.2019 :: AnalysisUnfortunately for the Left and the popular sector organizations that had pinned their hopes on these regimes, the opportunity to change the course of national development in a popular or populist direction was missed

Why Venezuela has not been Defeated
04.14.2019 :: Latin AmericaIntroduction: Over the past half decade, a small army of US analysts, politicians, academics and media pundits have been predicting the imminent fall, overthrow, defeat and replacement of the Venezuelan government. They have been wrong on all counts, in each and every attempt to foist a US client regime.

New Zealand Mosque Massacre: White Supremacy and Western Wars
03.19.2019 :: AnalysisThe mass murder and wounding of 97 Muslim worshipers in Christchurch, New Zealand (NZ) which took place on Friday, March 15, 2019, has profound political, ideological and psychological roots.

President Trump and the Democratic Congress: The Score Sheet
03.14.2019 :: United StatesGoing into the third year of President Trump’s presidency, it is necessary to draw a balance sheet on who is winning and/or losing.

US Negotiations: Masters of Defeats
03.08.2019 :: United StatesThe US is currently engaged in negotiations with at least a dozen countries; which involve fundamental political, military and economic issues. The US has adopted diplomatic strategies in the face of its ‘inability’ to secure military victories. The purpose of adopting a diplomatic approach is to secure through negotiations, in part or fully, goals and advantages unattainable through military means.

The Recolonization of Latin America and the War on Venezuela
03.05.2019 :: Latin AmericaIntroduction Not since the US pronounced the Monroe Doctrine proclaiming its imperial supremacy over Latin America, nearly 200 years ago, has a White House regime so openly affirmed its mission to recolonize Latin America.

Laughter for All (Financial) Times
02.16.2019 :: United StatesIntroduction: In these times, when the United States pursues an unprecedented military build-up, promotes coups and trade wars, breaks weapons agreements, organizes the illegal seizure of overseas financial accounts, building barriers and walls along the southern border, Washington can count on the mass media to provide a variety of propaganda messages, ranging from the predictable ‘yellow ’ to the sophisticated ‘serious press’.

US ‘Regime Changes’: The Historical Record
02.04.2019 :: Latin AmericaAs the US strives to overthrow the democratic and independent Venezuelan government, the historical record regarding the short, middle and long-term consequences are mixed.

Peculiarities of US Imperialism in Latin America
01.28.2019 :: Latin AmericaUnderstanding imperialism as a general phenomenon loses sight of its modus operandi in any specific and meaningful context. While the exercise of imperialist power is a common strategy, its motives, instruments, objectives and engagement vary, depending on the nature of the imperial ruler and targeted country.

Walls or Roads
01.12.2019 :: AnalysisHistory is told by Walls and Roads which have marked significant turning points in the relation between peoples and states.

President Trump’s Losing Strategy: Embracing Brazil And Confronting China
01.08.2019 :: AnalysisIntroduction: The US embraces a regime doomed to failure and threatens the world’s most dynamic economy. President Trump has lauded Brazil’s newly elected President Jair Bolsonaro and promises to promote close economic, political, social and cultural ties. In contrast the Trump regime is committed to dismantling China’s growth model, imposing harsh and pervasive sanctions, and promoting the division and fragmentation of greater China.

The New Year Past and Future
12.31.2018 :: United StatesIntroduction: They year 2018 ended with bitter partisan conflicts over narrow issues. Over seventy percent of the federal budget was approved by both parties and another twenty-nine percent was delayed because of a conflict over ‘border security’ involving expenditures of less than one hundredth of one percent.

A World of Multiple Detonators of Global Wars
12.12.2018 :: AnalysisWe face a world of multiple wars some leading to direct global power conflagrations and others that begin as regional conflicts but quickly spread to big power confrontations.

US Mass Mobilizations: Wars and Financial Plunder
11.25.2018 :: United StatesIntroduction: Over the past three decades, the US government has engaged in over a dozen wars, none of which have evoked popular celebrations either before, during or after. Nor did the government succeed in securing popular support in its efforts to confront the economic crises of 2008 – 2009.

President Trump’s Presidency: Results and Perspectives
11.20.2018 :: United StatesIntroduction: We need an objective evaluation of the President’s foreign and domestic polices – the means, the goals, their results and consequences. The Trump performance requires we discuss the style and substance of foreign and domestic policies.

Cultural Imperialism: Linguistic Perversion and Obfuscation of Empire Building
11.12.2018 :: AnalysisIntroduction: In the contemporary world, western imperialist propagandists, particularly journalists and editors of the mass media, have resorted to perverting everyday concepts
and the language of politics.
and the language of politics.