View all posts filed under 30 December 2016
The Anti-Trump Institutional Coup and the Visible Operatives
12.30.2016 :: United StatesThere are various types of coups: the seizure of executive power by military officials who disband the elected legislature, judiciary and executive, shut-down the media that criticizes the military take- over and and outlaws’ independent social movements.
Portrait of an Assassin: Obama’s Revenge
12.30.2016 :: Middle EastThe events leading to the assassination of the Russian Ambassador to Turkey has a long and torturous trail. The beginning and end are found in President Obama’s attempt to militarily encircle and discredit Russia through massive propaganda and sanctions. Obama built military bases on Russia’s borders; organized a putsch in the Ukraine; launched violent attacks on Russian allies in Libya and Syria; and encircled China, Russia’s ally in Asia.
False Prophets and False News: Time for New Beginnings
12.30.2016 :: AnalysisIntroduction: There are deep flaws in the blogs, media reports, and official statements, which purport to describe world historic events and changes.